credit card in spanish wordreference
The customers paid by credit card. Affinity card - bankcard - card - card reader - cash advance - charge card - credit limit - expense card - imprinter - method of payment - plastic - store card - visa.
Calameo Professional Communication And Translation Studies 9 2016
Tarjeta de crédito.

. For example cc is used in Englishanything for spanish. Crédito acreditar abonar honor creer. Aceptamos las tarjetas de crédito tales como Visa MasterCard E-Checks.
Refers to person place thing quality etc. How to say credit cards in Spanish WordHippo. No tenía dinero así que pagué con tarjeta de crédito.
How to say credit cards in Spanish. Credit noun verb. If it changes for each country I guess I would be mostly interested in what is used in Mexico or Spain.
Las siguientes tarjetas de crédito son aceptadas. In addition the formula for a non-stressed statement is not. F means that a noun is feminine.
My credit card is hereon the table etc. F You can pay with cash or by credit cardPuedes pagar con efectivo o por tarjeta de crédito. Las tarjeta de crédito noun.
The following credit cards are accepted. More Spanish words for credit card. VISA AMEX and MasterCard.
Tarjetas de crédito f I did not have any cash so I paid by credit card. La tarjeta de crédito. Aquí tiene mi tarjeta de credito Here is my credit card.
Los clientes pagaron con tarjeta de crédito. Tarjeta de crédito - beneficiario de una tarjeta de crédito - tarjeta de compras. Copyright Curiosity Media Inc.
Is here. Tarjeta de crédito f plural. Sustantivo de género exclusivamente femenino que lleva los artículos la o una en singular y las o.
For purchases tarjeta de crédito nf. We accept the credit cards such as Visa MasterCard E-Checks. Spanish nouns have a gender which is either feminine like la mujer or la luna or masculine like el hombre or el sol.
Are there any ways slang that might be commonly used in forumsconversation to say credit card in spanish. In the English description.
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